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Competition rules


All images (prints or projected images,) entered must be the author’s own work and conform to the rules and guidelines of the Club (set out in the club handbook). 

Any print or projected image that has already received a Club award cannot be re-entered in a monthly competition in the same category. If a judge has not accepted an image for an award, then that image may be re-entered at a later date. 

Trade processing of prints is permitted, but in all other respects the entries must be the sole work of the entrant. In the case of digital images, the author may seek the help or advice of other members but the final result must be the sole work of the entrant.

Please contact Competition Secretary Peter Robertson if you need any clarification around the rules for monthly competitions. 


Projected (Digital) images

Members may enter up to 2 projected images per club competition. Digitally projected images need be in JPEG format in sRGB colour space, and are to be saved on a USB stick, or emailed as an attachment directly to the Competition Secretary before club night.

Images are to be sized as either:

  • 1620 pixels wide for landscape orientated images or,

  • 1080 pixels on the vertical side for portrait orientated images



File names must use the following naming system:

Author’s grade+category / hyphen / Member no. / Hyphen / image title

Author’s Grade – J (Junior), N (Novice), B (B-grade), A (A-grade)

Category – O (Open), S (Set Subject)


Example: AO-23-church door.jpg

i.e. A-Grade member entering Open competition, Member No. 23, Title “Church Door”)



Members may enter up to 2 prints per club competition and can be handed in to the Competition Secretary at club night. Prints shall be unframed but mounted on firm cardboard up to a maximum size of 50 x 40cm. A digital copy of each print must also be uploaded to the Competition Secretary through this website (see below)



Prints need to have the title, club name, grade and the competition category (Set Subject or Open) the print is to be entered into, and the members number, clearly printed (handwritten or machine printed) in the top centre of the back of the print.









A-Grade, OPEN, #23


How do I enter?


Entries for the monthly competitions should be uploaded to the Competition Secretary through this website. This can be done through the Members' Area, under the 'Competition Upload' tab, once you have created your own account. Contact Annikka Pugh if you are having any issues with this.


A digital copy of each printed entry should also be uploaded to the Competition Secretary through this website, with sizing as described in the 'Projected Images' section.


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